
Thursday, January 22, 2004

Fight The Patriot Act

Take arms against a sea of trouble, and by opposing, end them! You, too, can make a difference in the fight for civil liberties.

Send a message to your representative asking them to stop the New Patriot Act before it gets too far.

Join the many cities who have defied the Patriot Act by making plans to protect their residents.

Celebrate the day George Bush signed the Patriot Act into law by taking the day off work. That's October 26th. Pretty close to election day...
Goodbye, Constitution

General Tommy Franks says that if America is attacked again, the US Constitution will have to be discarded. He says that if another attack does occur, we will need to "militarize our country" which will "unravel the fabric of our Constitution." Not sure why the Bush administration feels this is necessary? Well, what's new? [NewsMax.com article]

The Draft Is Back

Senate Bill 89 is currently under consideration. If passed, the bill will include women in the draft and provide only semester-long deferments for college undergraduates. Why is this scary? Only 44% of soldiers currently in Iraq plan to re-enlist, yet Bush's plans call for increased military action. The Bush administration has stated repeatedly that a draft may be necessary. [BushDraft.com: May seem a bit desperate, but the facts are accurate]

Wednesday, January 14, 2004

This post is only being made to begin the existence of Le Poisson Mort, which will ultimately someday become an alternative to the major news corporations like NBC (controlled by GM, which manufactures military equipment and gets big profits from the war in Iraq). Here we go.

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